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How Summer Heat Affects Concrete Parking Lots
According to the EPA, surfaces paved using conventional materials can reach 120-150°F during summer. You may also notice damages or cracks in the parking lot, even if the parking lot was recently paved.
This should come as no surprise: only a few concrete parking lot owners know the damages that come with the summer heat, how to prevent them, and, more importantly, when to call concrete repair experts.
In this article, we’re focusing on the effect of the summer heat on concrete parking lots and a few habits you can practice for longevity.
Summer Heat and Concrete Parking Lots: What to Expect
Summer heat can damage concrete in several ways, including discoloring the material and affecting its durability. In the list below, you can see how the summer heat affects concrete parking lots.
Summer heat dehydrates concrete parking lots. Dehydration affects the strength of the concrete and may even loosen it. In the worst-case scenario, the parking lot surface may wear out to the point that cracks or holes begin to appear. However, you can prevent that by using regular practices to keep your parking lots in order, like employing professional repair services.
Reduced Durability
Temperature shock is one of the worst enemies of high-quality concrete material. Scorching weather and extreme weather changes in general may reduce the life of the material. As a result, your parking lot may crack easily or simply wear off quickly. People living in cities with extremely high temperatures should consider investing in concrete protection for super hot summers.
The Bleached Effect
The UV rays from the sun are very powerful and can cause discoloration. However, in some cases, when the concrete is dehydrated and the hot temperatures won’t lower, your parking lot may adopt a bleached appearance. Even if you own a regular monochromatic parking lot, the sun may turn it into an old bleached gray color even if it’s been paved recently.
Destroyed Sealant
Most parking lot owners in cities with high temperatures cover the parking lot with a sealant to prevent damage of any kind. This is also done to protect the strength and durability of the concrete.
Some sealants are made of stronger materials, but those based on epoxy are exposed to greater damage under UV rays. Basically, the UV rays fry the epoxy in this case. Due to the extreme temperatures, holes appear along the parking lot. Once the sealant is damaged, you can consider your parking lot unprotected, and you will need to reseal the lot again.
Tip: Make sure to have your parking lot covered during the entire hot season, not just summer. Some cities suffer extremely high temperatures starting from early spring till later fall. As such, the parking lot must be protected at all times.
3 Simple Ways to Take Care of Your Concrete Parking Lot
As mentioned, UV rays are damaging to concrete and may affect its durability. That means that the owner may be exposed to further expenses. To prevent such issues, you need to start practicing a few maintenance habits.
Apply a Sealant
This is a basic rule for keeping your concrete lot in order and damage-free. The sealant renewal age is every other year or once every three years. However, you should be aware that, in extreme cases, you may need to reapply the sealant more often.
You will know the time to reapply the sealant once you notice any damages. As mentioned above, a sealant with holes is the same as not having any sealant.
Clean Stains Immediately
Every parking lot is subject to stains caused by cars. However, to prevent permanent staining, you need to remove the stains as soon as possible. We’d suggest using a concrete stain remover. Simply follow any instructions that come with it, and you’ll be good to go. The reason we suggest cleaning the stains immediately after you see them is that concrete is a material prone to fast absorption.
Install a Water Sprinkler System
Keeping your concrete fresh and hydrated will save you from the trouble of maintaining a dry, weakened, and cracked parking lot. Installing a water sprinkler system is one of the best ideas to keep your lot in good shape. If you cannot afford to install a system, you can water your parking lot with a hose on a regular basis.
Signs It’s Time to Call for Concrete Driveway Repair Help
There are some signs that your parking lot requires some professional help. We’ve listed a couple below.
Sunken Areas
Parking lots must always be flat as an airport. If you notice small sunken areas in your driveway, you must immediately react to prevent cracks and other further issues. In this case, the best idea is to call professional repair experts to maintain the issue on the spot and free you from other costs.
Spot the Wide Cracks
A crack in your parking lot is not that big of a deal until it is a ½-inch or more wide. If you notice the crack becoming wider, you should know that it may become deeper to the point where you will have to fill it immediately. To prevent this, always react swiftly and report this issue to experts to maintain it in the best way.
You Can Rely on K&E Flatwork for Professional Concrete Repair
Taking care of your parking lot is a highly responsible job because every repair is costly. Every concrete parking lot owner must implement the above-mentioned tips and tricks and find a reliable concrete repair contractor, like K&E Flatwork.
We serve clients throughout Kansas City and the surrounding areas by providing high-quality concrete paving, repair, maintenance, and sealing services. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact our customer support team, and they will respond immediately and schedule a meeting if needed. We’d be happy to take a look at your parking lot!